Jennifer Sheets, LMT
Health is not defined by Illness. Health is creating and maintaining a balance.

Office Policy


All Sessions Are By Appointment Only, And Must Be Made 48 Hours In Advance.
Same Day Appointments are not Available.  
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Minors or Adults Requiring a Guardian
Anyone under 16 or otherwise requiring a guardian, must be accompanied by that guardian for the entirety of their appointment. All forms and the requested appointment must be in the name of the Client to receive treatment, just like at a doctor's office. 
Masking is optional for clients. If you present with any cough or sneeze, you'll be required to mask. Do not get massage if you're ill.  If you are sick, please reschedule. I will continue to mask and shield where appropriate.
Attendance and Scheduling:
I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In my desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:
Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care during infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you're aware of an infectious or contagious condition. If it's within the 48-hour notice period, the cancellation fee may be waived. I ask that you contact me as soon as possible, no less than 1 hour before your appointment. For short notice cancellations please send a text or leave a voicemail at (585)953-1734. 

48 Hour Scheduling and Rescheduling Policy: If you're unable to give me advance notice, the full session fee* will be due. If you have a Gift Certificate or Treatment Package, the session fee will be deducted. If you prepaid for the session, it will not be refunded. If payment has not been taken, you will be billed. Future sessions will require pre-payment to schedule. (*Illness exceptions may apply.)

The policy on no call/no show for appointments will continue to apply. Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.” In the event that you do not call to cancel and fail to show for your appointment, the full session fee will be due. If you have a Gift Certificate or Treatment Package, the session fee will be deducted. If you prepaid for the session, it will not be refunded. If payment has not been taken, you will be billed. Future sessions will require pre-payment to schedule. 

Tardiness: 15 minute window
You have a 15 minute window for arrival. Beyond that, you will be a No-Call/ No-Show, and be responsible for the full session fee.
Appointment times are as scheduled, and cannot extend beyond the stated end time to accommodate late arrivals. I require a set amount of time between clinic times to properly clean and disinfect the room between clients. 
Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other clients, please plan accordingly and be on time. 
Chronic Rescheduling 
While rescheduling is a normal part of life and practice, chronic rescheduling is not. Frequent rescheduling negatively impacts my practice and the ability for others to schedule available clinic times. The full session fee will be charged and future booking will require pre-payment and /or may be blocked from self scheduling online. 
Gift Certificates 
Expired Gift Certificates will be eligible for refund to the buyer/ purchaser, via the method they were purchased. Should service fees change, the dollar value of a current Gift Card remains valid, and clients may pay the difference in office. 
Left over balances on Packages: Package rates are based on a bulk purchase and full redemption as part of a treatment plan. Sessions redeemed will be pro-rated as individual sessions. Any remaining balance will be eligible for refund.

I look forward to serving you!
updated 10/19/24
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Jennifer Sheets, LMT. All rights reserved.